From UMBC News and Magazine
Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Washington Post
Yesterday’s allegations that state prison guards helped a gang operate a contraband smuggling scheme from behind bars at the Baltimore City Detention Center are prompting strong responses from...
Posted: April 25, 2013, 6:38 PM
For All the World to Hear to Present at AAM Meeting
For All The World to Hear: Stories from the Struggle for Civil Rights, an oral history, outreach project of the CADVC, will present the session “Storytelling from Page to Stage: An Oral History...
Posted: April 25, 2013, 5:55 PM
Seth Messinger, Sociology and Anthropology, in The Boston Globe
Today’s Boston Globe published a letter by Seth D. Messinger, associate professor in UMBC’s Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, in the opinion series “Voices on the Bombings.” Messinger, a...
Posted: April 24, 2013, 7:44 PM
MAP Exhibition Features Nicole King, American Studies, and Stephen Bradley, Visual Arts
Beginning next month, the Maryland Art Place will host the exhibition Oasis Places, featuring the work of five artists, including collaborative work by Nicole King, American Studies, and Stephen...
Posted: April 22, 2013, 8:41 PM
Donald Norris, Public Policy, in The Daily Record
In the last year, three top aides and three department secretaries have left Gov. Martin O’Malley’s administration. Although some have voiced concern, Donald F. Norris, professor and chair of...
Posted: April 22, 2013, 7:21 PM
Carlyn Thomas ’13, Visual Arts, First UMBC Art History Student to Curate Exhibition for Thesis
Carlyn Thomas installing exhibition Carlyn Thomas ’13, visual arts, is curating an art exhibition as part of her senior thesis project, and will install the show, Out of Mind, in Gallery 788. She...
Posted: April 22, 2013, 7:11 PM
Dennis Coates, Economics, on NBC Chicago
NBC Chicago’s politics blog “The Ward Room” recently posted an opinion piece affirming Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s decision to refuse to provide public money for a $500 million renovation of Wrigley...
Posted: April 22, 2013, 7:09 PM
Group Exhibition at Goucher College Features Visual Arts Faculty
Untitled (Iceberg 2), photography and digital montage, 2009, Calla Thompson A group exhibition at Goucher College’s Silber Gallery, Hydroflow, is displaying the work of ten artists including UMBC...
Posted: April 19, 2013, 8:17 PM
A New Context Featured on WAMU Art Beat
This month, the WAMU segment Art Beat with Lauren Landau, a daily update of arts and culture events in the D.C. area, highlighted the exhibition currently running in the Library Gallery, A New...
Posted: April 19, 2013, 6:14 PM
Ann Christine Frankowski, Center for Aging Studies, in the Washington Blade
The Washington Blade today highlights a talk presented by Ann Christine Frankowski, associate research scientist and associate director of UMBC’s Center for Aging Studies, and Imani Woody, of...
Posted: April 19, 2013, 3:47 PM
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