From UMBC News and Magazine
Larry DeWitt, Public Policy, Publishes “The Other Welfare”
Larry DeWitt, public policy Ph.D. student and former public historian for the U.S. Social Security Administration, has published the new book The Other Welfare: Supplemental Security Income and...
Posted: May 14, 2013, 8:44 PM
John Rennie Short, Public Policy, Publishes “Stress Testing the USA”
Stress Testing the USA: Public Policy and Reaction to Disaster Events, a new book by professor of public policy John Rennie Short, arrives in stores tomorrow! [youtube...
Posted: May 14, 2013, 8:23 PM
Theodore Gonzalves, American Studies, Awarded Smithsonian Fellowship
Theodore Gonzalves, associate professor and chair of American Studies, has been named a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution for 2013, where he will work with the Center for...
Posted: May 14, 2013, 7:46 PM
Christine Mallinson, Language, Literacy & Culture, Presents at Florida College of Advanced Judicial Studies
Christine Mallinson, Language, Literacy & Culture, was one of three faculty experts invited to present at the 2013 Florida College of Advanced Judicial Studies. Mallinson presented a...
Posted: May 10, 2013, 7:52 PM
Lynn Cazabon and Neal McDonald, Visual Arts, Exhibit in Poland Art Festival
Junkspace, 2012, a collaborative installation piece by Department of Visual Arts faculty, Lynn Cazabon and Neal McDonald, was selected for exhibition at the WRO 15th Media Arts Biennale, in...
Posted: May 9, 2013, 7:44 PM
Carlyn Thomas ’13, Visual Arts, Speaks at Gallery 788
Out of Mind, an exhibition curated by 2013 Visual Arts senior, Carlyn Thomas, opened last week in Baltimore’s Gallery 788. Coverage of the exhibition and video of a curatorial talk by Thomas,...
Posted: May 7, 2013, 6:55 PM
John Jeffries, Dean of CAHSS, Gives Low Lecture
On Wednesday, May 1, John Jeffries, dean of the college of arts, humanities, and social sciences, gave the annual history department Low Lecture in celebration of his retirement. The lecture can...
Posted: May 6, 2013, 2:47 PM
Julie Rosenthal, Asian Studies, Receives Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to Julie Rosenthal, Program Management Specialist for the Asian Studies Program, who has been named the Association of Community Services Volunteer of the Year for her role in...
Posted: May 3, 2013, 2:54 PM
Donald Norris, Public Policy, in Washington Jewish Week and the Gazette
“The worst kept secret in Maryland is that Martin O’Malley is running for president,” says Donald F. Norris, professor and chair of public policy at UMBC, in a Washington Jewish Week article on...
Posted: May 3, 2013, 2:02 PM
Donald Norris, Public Policy, in the Baltimore Sun
As the initial shock following last week’s indictment of inmates and correctional officers at the Baltimore City Detention Center gives way to more detailed analysis, the Baltimore Sun is asking...
Posted: May 1, 2013, 6:37 PM
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