From UMBC News and Magazine
Economist Douglas Lamdin shares analysis of gold mining stocks
Douglas Lamdin, Economics, had his recent study featured on the website of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII). The article, “New Evidence on Whether Gold Mining Stocks are...
Posted: September 18, 2015, 12:46 PM
Eric Dyer, Visual Arts, at the Baltimore Museum of Art
Eric Dyer, associate professor of Visual Arts, will be among six artists featured in an exhibition at the Baltimore Museum of Art that celebrates the winners of the 2014 and 2015 Baker Artist...
Posted: September 16, 2015, 3:02 PM
First Annual David W. Smith Gala
The campus community is invited to the inaugural gala fundraising event for the David W. Smith Scholarship for Vocal Arts. This fund seeks to honor the memory of David W. Smith, an extraordinary...
Posted: September 16, 2015, 2:55 PM
CADVC’s “Where Do We Migrate To?” exhibition travels to Sweden
The exhibition Where Do We Migrate To?, organized by the Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture and curated by Niels Van Tomme, is traveling to Sweden, where it will open on Saturday, September...
Posted: September 16, 2015, 10:39 AM
Kimberly Moffitt, American Studies, Discusses Growth of #BlackLivesMatter on ABC 2 Baltimore
As #BlackLivesMatter continues to grow on social media, ABC 2 TV in Baltimore recently hosted Kimberly Moffitt for a discussion to explain how the movement has spread and how it is different from...
Posted: September 11, 2015, 7:24 PM
John Rennie Short, School of Public Policy, Explains the Impact of Wealth on Immigration Policy in The Conversation
In a new column in The Conversation, School of Public Policy Professor John Rennie Short revealed how immigrants can be treated differently based on wealth. Short wrote about how Canada’s...
Posted: September 11, 2015, 7:23 PM
Douglas Lamdin, Economics, Receives NABE Abramson Award
Douglas Lamdin, economics, was selected as the annual recipient of the Abramson Award for the outstanding article published in the past year in Business Economics, the journal of the National...
Posted: September 11, 2015, 5:53 PM
William Blake, Political Science, Explains the Supreme Court Long Conference in The New York Times
William Blake, a new assistant professor in the political science department, was quoted in a recent New York Times article about a study he conducted with two colleagues that investigated why the...
Posted: September 4, 2015, 5:35 PM
Amy Bhatt, Gender and Women’s Studies, Discusses Her Research on Immigrant Tech Communities in the Seattle Times
In an in-depth Seattle Times story about the difficulty in finding employment that women in immigrant tech communities experience, Amy Bhatt, an assistant professor of gender and women’s studies,...
Posted: September 4, 2015, 5:34 PM
Robert Provine, Psychology, Explains the Science of Laughter
Psychology Research Professor and Professor Emeritus Robert Provine recently conducted two interviews with podcast programs to explain his research on neglected human instincts such as laughter,...
Posted: September 4, 2015, 5:33 PM
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