Virtual info session: Working w/ Hanover Research grant firm
How to apply to work with Hanover and resources for PIs
Date & Time
May 14, 2020, 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
Join us for a virtual info session to learn about working with Hanover Research for the upcoming academic year.
Faculty with prior collaborative grant experience who are looking to scale up their research are especially encouraged to attend!
In the coming academic year, teams of CAHSS faculty will again be able to apply for the opportunity to work with Hanover Research, a grant development and research firm that helps faculty strengthen competitive external proposals.
During this info session, attendees will learn about the CAHSS-Hanover Research partnership, including the process of applying to work with Hanover and what resources are provided to PIs.
The info session will also feature three faculty PIs who worked with Hanover Research this past year to develop and submit collaborative proposals to NSF and NIH:
- Dr. Chris Swan, Geography & Environmental Systems
- Dr. Sarah Jewett, Provost's Office
- Dr. Rebecca Schacht, Psychology
The faculty panelists will share their experiences, to be followed by discussion and Q&A with attendees.
This event will be held on May 14, from 12-12:45pm, via WebEx.
Link to join:
Meeting number: 475 536 084
Meeting password: 3M4AmjRv
Join by phone:
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
Access code: 475 536 084
The session will also be recorded and posted on YouTube following the event.