Virtual Forum: Social Science Faculty Respond to COVID-19
An interdisciplinary “Ask the Expert” forum
Date & Time
April 17, 2020, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
The Center for Social Science Scholarship is convening an “Ask the Expert” virtual forum on social science responses to COVID-19, featuring faculty panelists:
- Nicholas Bonneau, Lecturer, Department of History; a historian of science and medicine and a public historian; also currently teaching HIST 200, "Global History of Pandemics"
- Dana Bradley, Dean, Erickson School of Aging; and Professor of sociology, anthropology, and health administration and policy; Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America; and founding member of the Global Aging Research Network
- Charissa Cheah, Professor, Department of Psychology; PI on a new National Science Foundation-funded research grant to study prejudice and discrimination against Chinese-Americans due to COVID-19
- Brian Grodsky, Professor, Department of Political Science; researches disaster politics, human rights, and democratization and is a first responder and a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician
- Zoë McLaren, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy; researches health policy and the economics of the global spread of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis
- Lucy Wilson, Professor, Emergency Health Services; infectious disease physician and the former Chief of the Center for Surveillance, Infection Prevention, and Outbreak Response at the Maryland Department of Health
Presenters will provide a brief overview of their research in relation to COVID-19 followed by discussion and Q&A with the audience.
This event will be held ONLINE via Zoom:
Join URL:
and will be livestreamed via Facebook Live:
- For participants joining via the Zoom link, please join by no later than 1:15 p.m. (ET)
In order to secure the meeting, we will lock the event at 1:15 at which point no new attendees will be admitted. If you are unable to join on time, please view the livestream via Facebook, or you can view a recording of the event to be posted on our website following the event.