Trees as Climate Solutions: A Roundtable Debate
Date & Time
April 21, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
This event will be held ONLINE via Zoom:
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and will be livestreamed via Facebook Live:
- For participants joining via the Zoom link, please join by no later than 12:15 p.m. (ET)
In order to secure the meeting, we will lock the event at 12:15 at which point no new attendees will be admitted. If you are unable to join on time, please view the livestream via Facebook, or you can view a recording of the event to be posted on our website following the event.
A recent New York Times opinion claims that “Focusing on trees as the big solution to climate change is a dangerous diversion.” True? False? Somewhere in between?
Roundtable panelists will debate the relative utility and disutility of tree planting, forest restoration, and forest conservation as solutions to global climate change. Further, panelists will discuss the contributions of individual and collective levels of behavioral changes to addressing climate change.
Erle Ellis, Professor, Geography & Environmental Systems
Matthew Fagan, Assistant Professor, Geography & Environmental Systems
Susan Sterett, Professor, Public Policy
Fernando Tormos-Aponte, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Public Policy and Political Science
Blake Francis, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Philosophy