CS3 Lunch and Learn:
NSF’s Build & Broaden Program
CS3 Lunch and Learn: – Online Event
Date & Time
October 20, 2022, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Please join us for a Lunch and Learn information session on Thursday October 20 from noon-1pmabout the National Science Foundation’s Build and Broaden program, featuring three UMBC researchers with current Build & Broaden awards.
The Build & Broaden program “supports cutting-edge research, training opportunities and new research infrastructure in the social, behavioral and economic sciences at minority-serving institutions.”
During the info session, presenters will provide an overview of the program and discuss their ongoing projects, with Q&A to follow.
Christine Mallinson is PI (with Anne H. Charity Hudley, Co-PI, Stanford University) of “Linguistic Production, Perception, and Identity in the Career Mobility of Black Faculty in Linguistics and the Language Sciences” (Awards #2126414 and #2126405). Mallinson is the Director of UMBC’s Center for Social Science Scholarship, Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement and APLU-CoR Fellow in the Office for Research & Creative Achievement, Professor in the Language, Literacy & Culture Program, and Affiliate Professor in the Department of Gender, Women’s + Sexuality Studies.
Morgan Henderson is PI and Morgane Mouslim is Co-PI of “Provider Pricing Behavior and Health Policy” (Award #2222433). Henderson is Principal Data Scientist with UMBC’s Hilltop Institute and Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics. Mouslim is a Policy Analyst with UMBC’s Hilltop Institute.
The session will be recorded and posted to CS3’s YouTube channel following the event.