Fall 2007 SSF Events

September 25, 2007

Cynthia Enloe, Professor of International Development, Community and Environment (ADCT) and Women’s Studies Clark University 

Women, Men, and the Iraq War:  What a Feminist Curiosity Reveals

October 4,  2007

George Borjas, Robert W. Scrivener Professor of Economics and Social Policy
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Immigration Policy and the Economic Impact of Immigration

October 17, 2007

Dane Kennedy, Elmer Louis Kayser Professor of History and International Affairs, George Washington University 

Ideologies of Empires: The British Case and its American Echoes

Monday, October 29, 2007

David M. Walker,
Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and panel 

Fiscal Wake Up Tour

November 7, J2007

Jason Loviglio, Professor of American Studies and Media and Communication Studies, UMBC 

Media Convergence, Media Democracy

November 14, 2007

Ronald Walters, Director of the African American Leadership Institute and Professor of Government and Politics University of Maryland

Black Leadership in America and the African Diaspora: Its Promises and Problems

November 28, 2007

Interdisciplinary Studies Mosaic Roundtable

Mental Illness And The Campus Community