Current RFPs

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External Funding Calendar

Annual RFPs


Applications accepted on a rolling basis through April 30, 2028.

ARI is the Army’s lead agency for the conduct of research, development, and analyses for Army readiness and performance via research advances and applications of the behavioral and social sciences that address personnel, organization, and Soldier and leader development issues. Programs funded under this BAA include basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development that can improve human performance and Army readiness.

Proposals are sought from institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, and for- profit organizations, domestic or foreign.

Partnerships for Innovation (NSF)

Proposals are due in May, September, and January annually.

This program has the goal of: (1) identifying and supporting NSF-sponsored research and technologies that have the potential for accelerated commercialization; (2) supporting prior or current NSF-sponsored investigators, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations that partner with an institution of higher education in undertaking proof-of-concept work, including the development of technology prototypes that are derived from NSF-sponsored research and have potential market value; (3) promoting sustainable partnerships between NSF-funded institutions, industry, and other organizations within academia and the private sector with the purpose of accelerating the transfer of technology; (4) developing multi-disciplinary innovation ecosystems which involve and are responsive to the specific needs of academia and industry; (5) providing professional development, mentoring, and advice in entrepreneurship, project management, and technology and business development to innovators.

Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (NSF)

Proposals are accepted at any time.

This program supports projects that create computational tools and data to facilitate basic research in the social and behavioral sciences that can lead to improved health, prosperity and security. Projects should be aimed at creating computational tools and data to enable research by social scientists. Examples include, but are not limited to, data collection or assembly efforts that result in new resources for a community of researchers or software platforms that facilitate data collection efforts by others.

Research Coordination Networks (NSF)

Proposals are accepted at any time.

The goal of the RCN program is to advance a field or create new directions in research or education by supporting groups of investigators to communicate and coordinate their research, training and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic, and international boundaries. The RCN program provides opportunities to foster new collaborations, including international partnerships where appropriate, and address interdisciplinary topics. Innovative ideas for implementing novel networking strategies, collaborative technologies, training, broadening participation, and development of community standards for data and meta- data are especially encouraged. RCN awards are not meant to support existing networks; nor are they meant to support the activities of established collaborations.

Advancing Informal STEM Learning (NSF)

Proposals are due in January annually.

This program is committed to funding research and practice, with continued focus on investigating a range of informal STEM learning experiences and environments that make lifelong learning a reality. The current solicitation encourages proposals from institutions and organizations that serve public audiences, and specifically focus on public engagement with and understanding of STEM, including community STEM; public participation in scientific research; science communication; intergenerational STEM engagement; and STEM media.

Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (NSF)

Proposals are due annually in January and July.

This is a core NSF STEM education program that seeks to promote novel, creative, and transformative approaches to generating and using new knowledge about STEM teaching and learning to improve STEM education for undergraduate students. The program is open to application from all institutions of higher education and associated organizations. NSF places high value on educating students to be leaders and innovators in emerging and rapidly changing STEM fields as well as educating a scientifically literate public.

Social Psychology (NSF)

Proposals are due annually in January 15th  and July 15th.

This program supports research to advance basic knowledge in social psychology. Proposed research should carry strong potential for creating transformative advances in the basic understanding of human social behavior. Among the many research topics supported are social cognition, attitudes, social and cultural influence, stereotypes, motivation, decision making, group dynamics, aggression, close relationships, social and affective neuroscience, social psychophysiology, emotions, prosocial behavior, health-related behavior, and personality and individual differences.

Sociology (NSF)

Proposals accepted on a rolling basis.

The Sociology Program supports basic research on all forms of human social organization — societies, institutions, groups and demography — and processes of individual and institutional change. The program encourages theoretically focused empirical investigations aimed at improving the explanation of fundamental social processes. This includes research on organizations and organizational behavior, population dynamics, social movements, social groups, labor force participation, stratification and mobility, family, social networks, socialization, gender, race and the sociology of science and technology. The program supports both original data collection and secondary data analysis that use the full range of quantitative and qualitative methodological tools. Theoretically grounded projects that offer methodological innovations and improvements for data collection and analysis are also welcomed.

Science and Technology Studies (NSF)

Proposals are due in early February and early August annually.

Science and Technology Studies is an interdisciplinary field that investigates the conceptual foundations, historical developments and social contexts of STEM, including medical science. The STS program supports proposals across a broad spectrum of research that uses historical, philosophical and social scientific methods to investigate STEM theory and practice. STS research may be empirical or conceptual; specifically, it may focus on the intellectual, material or social facets of STEM including interdisciplinary studies of ethics, equity, governance and policy issues.

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (NSF)

Proposals are due by mid-November annually.

The multi-agency Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program supports research on the ecological, evolutionary, organismal, and social drivers that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative, mathematical, or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. The intent is discovery of principles of infectious disease (re)emergence and transmission and testing mathematical or computational models that elucidate infectious disease systems. Projects should be broad, interdisciplinary efforts that go beyond the scope of typical studies.

Workplace Equity for Persons with Disabilities in STEM and STEM Education (NSF)

Proposals are due in September annually.

This program supports fundamental, applied, and translational research that advances knowledge and practice about diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible STEM and STEM education workplaces and postsecondary training environments for persons with disabilities. Supported topics include studying barriers and solutions to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in STEM; applying intersectional social identity perspectives to investigate characteristics and conditions of STEM and STEM education workplaces and training environments; etc.

Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity

Open application.

Evidence for Action (E4A), a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, funds research that expands the evidence needed to build a Culture of Health, with an explicit emphasis on advancing racial equity. We recognize that achieving racial equity is not possible without a focus on the foundational and structural drivers of health, often referred to as the social determinants of health (e.g., housing, education, built environment, economic opportunity, law enforcement, and others). Therefore, we partner with researchers, practitioners, community leaders, advocates, and policymakers to develop evidence about what works to dismantle or remedy unjust systems and practices and produce more equitable outcomes for people and communities of color.

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health

Open application.

Seeks proposals primed to impact health equity moving forward; interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus:  Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work.

NIH Helping to End Addiction Longterm (HEAL) Initiative

The Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative, is a trans-NIH research effort focused on improving prevention and treatment for opioid misuse and addiction and enhancing pain management.  The NIH HEAL Initiative is organized into six research focus areas. Within those focus areas, 12 NIH Institutes and Centers are leading 25 research programs to find scientific solutions to the opioid crisis.  Click on the link above for details about the six research areas.

Wrenner-Gren Foundation – Anthropology Post-PhD Research Grant

Application Deadlines are May 1st and November 1st.

This grant program funds individual research projects undertaken by doctorates in anthropology or a closely related field. Our goal is to support vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of what it means to be human. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, topic, or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that integrate two or more subfields and pioneer new approaches and ideas.

Wenner-Gren Foundation – Anthropology Conference and Workshop Grant

Application deadlines are June 1st and December 1st.  

This grant program supports meetings and events that promote the development of inclusive communities of anthropologists and advance significant and innovative research. Conferences that we support are public events directed at large audiences of anthropologists. We prioritize scholarly gatherings that bring together members of large, international anthropological organizations. Workshops that we support are closed meetings focused on pressing topics in anthropology. Small groups of scholars gather for several days to work intensively on particular themes. Our aim is to help organizers make these conferences and workshops more inclusive and accessible by covering costs for scholars who might not otherwise be able to attend.

Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21) (NIH)

Letters of Intent are due 30 days before standard NIH dates, through December 2025.

This program is intended to support novel environmental health research in which an unpredictable event or policy change provides a limited window of opportunity to collect human biological samples or environmental exposure data. The primary motivation of the FOA is to understand the consequences of natural and human-made disasters, emerging environmental public health threats, and policy changes in the U.S. and abroad.

Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED)

Proposals accepted on a rolling basis.

GRANTED supports ambitious ideas and innovative strategies to address challenges and inequalities within the research enterprise. The research enterprise is broadly defined and includes administrative support and service infrastructure such as, but not limited to, human capital, research development and administration, research analytics, technology transfer and commercialization, corporate relations/public-private partnerships, research integrity, compliance and security, research policy, administration of student research training, and research leadership. Strengthening this administrative infrastructure supporting research and STEM training is necessary to fully utilize the Nation’s talent and capabilities and empower America’s organizations that engage in or support research, to participate in a diverse, equitable, and internationally competitive research enterprise.

Humans, Disasters, and the Built Environment (HDBE) – NSF

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 

Supports fundamental, multidisciplinary research on the interactions between humans and the built environment within and among communities exposed to natural, technological and other types of hazards and disasters.

Bidirectional Influences Between Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health (R01) (NIH)

Standard NIH dates through October 2025.

This program aims to encourage applications that focus on understanding bidirectional relationships between social media use and adolescent mental illness, psychiatric symptoms, and risk or resilience for psychopathology, as well as social media as a platform for facilitating the identification of adolescents with or at risk for mental illness, for encouraging appropriate mental health service use, and for delivering preventive and therapeutic interventions.

Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace (NSF)

Proposals are due in September annually.

This program aims to build trust in global cyber ecosystems. Trust is the core tenet of this program and, for the purposes of this solicitation, is broadly defined to include our confidence in the security, privacy, and resilience of cyberspace, particularly in the face of malicious intent. Achieving this level of confidence in cyberspace requires not only understanding the vulnerabilities in a system that could be exploited and how they can be addressed, but also understanding the social and technical dimensions of trust in cyber systems, along with the educational efforts needed to increase public awareness of risks in cyberspace, and building a well-trained corps of privacy and security professionals.

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Supports relevant grants in the areas of Education, Democracy, and International Peace and Security.

March 2025 Deadlines

Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program (ED)

Proposals are due by March 10, 2025.

The Fulbright-Hays FRA Fellowship Program provides grants to colleges and universities to fund fellowships for faculty members seeking to improve their area studies and foreign language skills by conducting research abroad. The program is designed to contribute to the development and improvement of the study of modern foreign languages and area studies in the United States.

Environmental System Science (DOE)

Proposals are due by March 13, 2025.

This program will consider applications that focus on measurements, experiments, field data, modeling, and synthesis to provide improved understanding and representation of ecosystems and watersheds in ways that advance the sophistication and capabilities of models that span from individual processes to Earth-system scales.

Center for the Study of Federalism: Research Grants

Proposals are due March 15, 2025.

The CSF awards grants totaling up to $15,000 each for original research and/or writing that advances thinking about federalism as a principle of American government, law, or politics. Areas of focus may include but are not limited to political philosophy and theory, political history and development, public policy, law (including constitutional law), political institutions, political behavior, and political culture.

Projects for Translating the Findings and Products of Disability and Rehabilitation Research and Development into Practice (HHS ACL)

Proposals are due by March 17, 2025.

This program aims to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act, by generating new knowledge, or developing methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technologies that advance a wide range of health and function, community living, and employment outcomes among people with disabilities, especially people with disabilities who have the greatest support needs.

Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HRSA)

Proposals are due by March 17, 2025.

The purpose of the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program is to support community-based projects that promote access to preventive clinical and public health services for underserved children. Six grants of $75,000 each will be awarded.

American Cancer Society: Cancer Health Equity Research Centers

Applications are due by March 17, 2025.

This RFA is a call for solution-based research addressing cancer health disparities that will enable fair and just opportunities to prevent, detect, and survive cancer. Due to the complexities associated with the social and structural drivers of health that are responsible for cancer inequalities, encourage multilevel models and research that address these interrelated factors are encouraged. Applicants should demonstrate their ability to reach populations of interest and describe how the proposed methodologies will produce meaningful results. Awards will support a total budget of $4.07 million ($3.7 million direct costs plus 10 percent indirect costs) for a four-year project period.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Local Data for Equitable Communities

***please note that this grant requires a partnership with a non-profit***

Proposals are due by March 18, 2025.

This RFP invites efforts to collect, analyze, and use data to address inequities in the physical, economic, and social conditions of a place. Applicants must focus their projects on local geographies, such as neighborhoods, cities, counties, metropolitan areas, or tribal areas. The goals of the grant program are: inform public policy and improve the physical, social, and economic conditions of places; build local capacity to use data for action; strengthen the use of equitable data practices; and document successful practices for more communities to learn from and adapt.

April Deadlines

Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education:  Small

Proposlas are due mid-April, 2025.

The Small Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We accept applications three times per year.

Strengthening American Infrastructure (NSF)

Proposals are due April 17, 2025.

This program aims to stimulate human-centered, use-inspired, fundamental and potentially transformative research aimed at strengthening America’s infrastructure. Robust, reliable and effective infrastructure spurs private-sector innovation, grows the economy, creates jobs, makes public-sector service provision more efficient, strengthens communities, promotes equal opportunity, protects the natural environment, enhances national security and fuels American leadership. Achieving these objectives requires the integration of expertise from across all science and engineering disciplines.

May Deadlines

RRF Foundation for Aging

Proposals due May 1, 2025.

RRF funds research that seeks to identify interventions, policies and practices to improve the well-being of older adults and/or their caregivers. Preference is given to projects aimed at generating practical knowledge and guidance that can be used by advocates, policy-makers, providers, and the aging network. Of particular interest are:

1) Interventional trials; translational studies; and health services and policy research
2) Projects that build on the investigator’s past studies
3) Proposals that include robust dissemination plans, if appropriate, to assure that findings reach audiences positioned to act on them

PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute)
Funding Announcement — Cycle 1 2025

Application deadline May 6, 2025.

Invites applications for high-quality comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) projects aligned with at least one of PCORI’s National Priorities for Health, including: Increase Evidence for Existing Interventions and Emerging Innovations in Health; Accelerate Progress Toward an Integrated Learning Health System; Achieve Health Equity; or Advance the Science of Dissemination, Implementation and Health Communication.

William T. Grant Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence

Opens March 7, 2025. Applications due May 7, 2025.

Supports studies about how to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth, exploring what it takes to produce useful research evidence, what it takes to get research used, and what happens when research is used.

William T. Grant Research Grants on Reducing Inequality

Opens March 7, 2025. Applications due May 7, 2025.

Supports research to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5-25 in the United States.

Spencer Foundation Racial Equity Research Grants

Letters of Intent due May 2025.

The Racial Equity Research Grants program supports education research projects that will contribute to understanding and ameliorating racial inequality in education. We are interested in funding studies that aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of inequality in education, and which seek to (re)imagine and make new forms of equitable education. Thus, we are interested in research projects that seek to envision educational opportunities in a multiplicity of education systems, levels, settings, and developmental ranges and that reach beyond documenting conditions and paradigms that contribute to persistent racial inequalities.

Summer 2025 Deadlines

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 
Systems for Action: Community-Led Systems Research to Address Systemic Racism

Applications are due June 4, 2025.

Will fund a cohort of community-led pilot studies to produce new, actionable evidence about how to help medical, social, and public health systems work together to address forms of systemic racism.

U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences BAA (DOD)

Proposals are due by July 1, 2025.

This program solicits proposals for its fiscal year 2026 program of basic research in behavioral science. The Basic Research program focuses on four strategic areas for advancing personnel science. (1) Measurement of Individuals and Collectives: Advanced psychometric theory for deriving valid measurements from complex assessments and continuous streams of data. (2) Teams and Small Groups: Understanding dynamic restructuring, coordination, and composition processes in teams and promoting optimal team adaptation. (3) Organizations and Systems: Multilevel theory and methods for complex organizations. (4) Formal and Informal Learning and Development: Holistic models of individual and collective learning and development across work settings and contexts throughout the career span.

Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Distinguished Scholars

Apply between May 1 and August 1, 2025. 

Supports research proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and aligned disciplines that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Highest priority is given to research that addresses urgent, present-day problems of violence—what produces it, how it operates, and what prevents or reduces it.

Burroughs Welcome Fund Climate + Health Excellence (CHEX) Centers

Applications are due August 7, 2025.

Institutional research and training opportunity that will help institutions bridge the gaps between fields that will have important roles to play in understanding the impacts of climate change on human health and diminishing their effects.

Fall 2025 Deadlines

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Exploring Equitable Futures

Applications are due  October 15, 2025.

Supports projects that seed new and unconventional ideas that could radically advance health equity for generations to come, focusing on projects that: Explore the future by researching and experimenting with ideas that are ahead of the curve or at the edge of our collective imagination; Shine a light on the emerging trends and forces that are shaping our future for better or worse—and suggest ways to navigate them to mitigate harm and advance health equity; Dream big and challenge conventional wisdom to surface possibilities and uncover new paths to dismantle structural racism and build a more equitable future.

Hanover Research calendars

Hanover Grants Calendar for Non-Federal Research

As part of their efforts to monitor the funding landscape and facilitate strategic planning, Hanover produces a bimonthly Grants Calendar centered on certain funding interests. Today’s calendar (February 7, 2025)  reviews upcoming grant opportunities focused on Non-Federal Research, covering a range of grantmakers. Short-term targets with set deadlines are included alongside longer-term opportunities expected to occur across the next year and beyond.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar – Grants Digest

Hanover’s Research Enterprise Digest provides a succinct overview of notable grants with deadlines in the coming months, focusing on funding for investigator-led research, training, and infrastructure development across scientific disciplines.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar – Health Equity
Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar for minority serving institutions, compiled by Hanover Research.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar – Education Research & Programs

Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar specific to education, compiled by Hanover Research.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar – Interdisciplinary Research

Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar specific to interdisciplinary research, compiled by Hanover Research.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar:  Environmental Sustainability

Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar specific to environmental sustainability, compiled by Hanover Research.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar:  Research Centers

Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar specific to research centers, compiled by Hanover Research.

Hanover Research Grants Calendar:  Early Career Research

Click above to download a grant opportunities calendar specific to early career research, compiled by Hanover Research.

Other resources

Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program (RISBS) 

The U.S. National Science Foundation plays a critical role in supporting research infrastructure across a wide range of scientific disciplines, from telescopes to field stations. But sometimes research infrastructure takes less tangible or visible forms—things like large data repositories, long-running surveys, or web-based research tools. The new Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Program, or RISBS, supports critical research infrastructure in the social, behavioral and economic sciences, and its creation is part of an effort to make this infrastructure more visible and draw attention to its importance.

The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences has a deep history of supporting research infrastructure, including three long-running data collection projects that provide critical information about U.S. society:

  • The American National Election Study, which started in 1948 and has been funded by NSF since 1977, provides gold standard data on voting, public opinion and political participation in U.S. national elections.
  • The General Social Survey, a nationally representative interview survey of the U.S. adult population, collects data on a wide range of topics and has been funded by NSF since its inception in 1972.
  • The Panel Study of Income Dynamics, a longitudinal survey of a nationally representative sample of U.S. families begun in 1968 (with NSF taking over most of its funding in 1980) collects data on a wide array of economic, social and health factors.

In addition to these projects, RISBS will support other projects that create computational tools and data to facilitate basic research in the social and behavioral sciences that can lead to improved health, prosperity and security. Prospective primary investigators are encouraged to contact the program directors listed on the RISBS web page for more information.

Hanover’s 2024 Grants Webinar Schedule

Register for upcoming sessions here.

NIH’s New Scientific Data Sharing Website

NIH has a long-standing commitment to making the research it funds available to the public. This commitment is demonstrated through a variety of sharing policies that function to increase the transparency and availability of scientific data and resources.  NIH policies expect:

  • The appropriate sharing of scientific data to be maximized
  • Data from large scale genomic studies to be broadly and responsibly shared
  • Research tools developed with NIH funding to be made accessible to other researchers
  • Unique model organisms to be made available to the scientific community
  • Clinical trials to be registered and summary results reported in
  • Peer reviewed manuscripts to be publicly available on PubMed Central

The new website will help you navigate these policies, providing you with step-by-step guides, infographics, tools and resources to help you on your way. In the case of clinical trials and public access policies, the site provides a central access point and visibility to these policies, and links out to existing NIH sites for more information.

View a list of COVID-19-related funding opportunities maintained by GrantForward.

Other funding opportunities as well as databases and tools, including Grant Forward and Foundations Online, are available via UMBC’s Office of the Vice Provost for Research. Staff in UMBC’s Office of Sponsored Programs are available to meet with faculty to provide an overview of how to search for funding opportunities.

Researchers may also be interested in the eMaryland Marketplace Advantage (eMMA), which routinely adds opportunities, as well as the Governor’s Grants Office, which provides Maryland State specific funding opportunities. There are also institutional grant opportunities available through the Maryland Higher Education Commission.