The Constitution and Civil Rights: The Search for Equality in a Multi-Racial America
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Jane Junn, Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern California
Constitution Day Lecture, sponsored by the Department of Political Science; Department of Public Policy; Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Honors College
Better Living Through Economics
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John Siegfried, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Vanderbilt University
Mullen Lecture, sponsored by the Department of Economics
U.S. Trade Policy In The Asia-Pacific: The Path Forward
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Ambassador Demetrios Marantis, Deputy US Trade Representative
Sponsored by the Asian Studies Program; Department of Economics
Genetics and Personalized Medicine: El Dorado or Iron Pyrite? Will Personalized Medicine Live Up to the Hype?
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Lawrence Brody, Chief and Senior Investigator, Genome Technology Branch,
National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Sponsored by the Health Administration and Public Policy Program, Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Bioethics Student Association; College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
China Goes Global
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David Shambaugh, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs; Director, China Policy Program, The Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Lecture, sponsored by the Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; Asian Studies Program; Department of Political Science; Honors College
Outcasts United: An American Town, a Refugee Team, and One Woman’s Quest to Make a Difference
Warren St. John, New Student Book Experience Author
Sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Education; Office of Institutional Advancement; Dresher Center for the Humanities; Division of Student Affairs
Teaching Peace and Nonviolent Social Change
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Colman McCarthy, Director of the Center for Teaching Peace
Sponsored by the Shriver Center Peaceworker Program